Bird Checklist for San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area — Maricopa Audubon Society

BIRDS of San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area

The San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area (NCA) includes over 56,000 acres in Cochise County, Arizona. Extending approximately 40 miles northward from the Mexican border to a few miles south of St. David, the NCA represents the most extensive, healthy riparian ecosystem remaining in the desert Southwest. The Bureau of Land Management manages the area to protect and enhance the existing riparian habitat and wildlife communities, as well as provide for recreational use, cultural interpretation, and educational opportunities.

The NCA is home to over 100 species of breeding birds and provides invaluable habitat for another 250 species of migrant and wintering birds. Located between the Huachuca and Mule Mountains, and adjacent to Mexico, the NCA attracts a myriad of bird species from a wide variety of vegetative life-zones.

Concerns have increased over population declines of migrant bird species which breed in North America and winter south of the United States (Neotropical Migratory Birds). The Bureau of Land Management recognized this problem and has prepared management plans to monitor and enhance populations of bird species which utilize Bureau lands throughout North America.

This checklist, which documents over 375 bird species, has been compiled from historical avian records within the Upper San Pedro River Valley and from biological inventories within the NCA. All bird species known to have occurred from the International border north to Interstate 10 below the oak zone have been included in this checklist. This checklist will be periodically updated, so notification of interesting sightings would be greatly appreciated. Please report them to:

BLM, 1763 Paseo San Luis, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635, (520) 458-3559



C  - Common.  Normally seen in appropriate habitat.
U  - Uncommon.  Occurs but in small numbers or locally.
R  - Rare. Annual, but very local or in very small numbers.
Ca - Casual.  Few records for the San Pedro NCA, or not
     of annual occurrence.
I  - Irregular.  Erratic pattern of occurrence.
*  - Accidental.  One or two records, or historical occurrence.
P  - Permanent
S  - Summer Resident
W  - Winter Resident
T  - Transient or migrant
#  - Indicates Neotropical Migratory Bird Species
LOONS AND GREBES                                                                          ___Blue-winged Teal            U T R W #
___Pacific Loon                   T*                  ___Garganey                       T *
___Common Loon                    Ca T                ___Cinnamon Teal                  U W T #
___Least Grebe                    T*                  ___Northern Shoveler              C W
___Pied-billed Grebe              U W T #             ___Gadwall                        U W #
___Eared Grebe                    U W #               ___American Wigeon                U W #
___Western Grebe                  R T #               ___Canvasback                     U W #
___Clark's Grebe                  R T #               ___Redhead                        R W #
                                                      ___Ring-necked Duck               C W #
CORMORANTS AND PELICANS                               ___Greater Scaup                  Ca T
___American White Pelican         Ca T #              ___Lesser Scaup                   U W
___Brown Pelican                  Ca T                ___Surf Scoter                    Ca T
___Double-crested Cormorant       R T #               ___Common Goldeneye               Ca W
___Neotropic Cormorant            R T                 ___Bufflehead                     U W #
___Magnificent Frigatebird        T*                  ___Hooded Merganser               Ca T
                                                      ___Common Merganser               R W
HERONS AND ALLIES                                     ___Red-breasted Merganser         Ca T
___American Bittern               R T                 ___Ruddy Duck                     U W #
___Least Bittern                  R T #               
___Great Blue Heron               C P
___Great Egret                    R T #               RAPTORS
___Snowy Egret                    R T #               ___Turkey Vulture                 C S #
___Little Blue Heron              Ca T                ___Osprey                         R T #
___Tricolored Heron               Ca T                ___White-tailed Kite              R T
___Cattle Egret                   R T #               ___Mississippi Kite               R T #
___Green-backed Heron             R P #               ___Bald Eagle                     R W
___Black-crowned Night-Heron      R P #               ___Northern Harrier               C W #
___White-faced Ibis               U T #               ___Sharp-shinned Hawk             U W #
___Wood Stork                     Ca T                ___Cooper's Hawk                  U P #
                                                      ___Northern Goshawk               Ca T
SWANS, GEESE AND DUCKS                                ___Common Black Hawk              R T #
___Black-bellied Whistling Duck   R S #               ___Harris' Hawk                   R P
___Tundra Swan                    Ca T                ___Gray Hawk                      C S # 
___Greater White-fronted Goose    R W                 ___Broad-winged Hawk              Ca T #
___Snow Goose                     R W                 ___Swainson's Hawk                U S #
___Ross' Goose                    R W                 ___Zone-tailed Hawk               R T #
___Canada Goose                   R W                 ___Red-tailed Hawk                C P
___Wood Duck                      Ca W                ___Ferruginous Hawk               R W 
___Green-winged Teal              U W #               ___Rough-legged Hawk              R W
___Mallard                        C P #               ___Golden Eagle                   R T
___Northern Pintail               U W #               ___Crested Caracara               Ca T
 ___American Kestrel               C P #               ___Least Sandpiper                C T U W # 
___Merlin                         R W #               ___Baird's Sandpiper              U T #
___Peregrine Falcon               R W #               ___Pectoral Sandpiper             R T #
___Aplomado Falcon                T *                 ___Dunlin                         Ca T #
___Prairie Falcon                 R W                 ___Stilt Sandpiper                R T #
                                                      ___Short-billed Dowitcher         Ca T #
QUAIL AND ALLIES                                      ___Long-billed Dowitcher          U T #
___Wild Turkey                    R T                 ___Common Snipe                   U W #
___Montezuma Quail                Ca T                ___Wilson's Phalarope             C T #
___Scaled Quail                   C P                 ___Red-necked Phalarope           R T #
___Gambel's Quail                 C P                 ___Red Phalarope                  Ca T #
RAILS AND ALLIES                                      GULLS AND TERNS
___Black Rail                     T *                 ___Long-tailed Jaeger             T *
___Virginia Rail                  U W #               ___Franklin's Gull                R T #
___Sora                           U W #               ___Bonaparte's Gull               R T #
___Purple Gallinule               Ca T #              ___Heermann's Gull                Ca T
___Common Moorhen                 U P                 ___Ring-billed Gull               U T #
___American Coot                  U P                 ___California Gull                R T
___Sandhill Crane                 Ca T                ___Herring Gull                   Ca T #
                                                      ___Black-legged Kittiwake         Ca T
SHOREBIRDS                                            ___Sabine's Gull                  Ca T
___Black-bellied Plover           Ca T #              ___Common Tern                    Ca T #
___Snowy Plover                   Ca T #              ___Forster's Tern                 R T #
___Semipalmated Plover            R T #               ___Least Tern                     T *
___Kildeer                        C P                 ___Black Tern                     U T #
___Black-necked Stilt             U T #              
___American Avocet                U T #               PIGEONS AND DOVES
___Greater Yellowlegs             U T #               ___Rock Dove                      C P
___Lesser Yellowlegs              U T #               ___Band-tailed Pigeon             Ca T
___Solitary Sandpiper             R T #               ___White-winged Dove             C S R W #
___Willet                         R T #               ___Mourning Dove                  C P #
___Spotted Sandpiper              U T #               ___Inca Dove                      U P
___Whimbrel                       Ca T #              ___Common Ground Dove             U P
___Long-billed Curlew             R T #               ___Ruddy Ground-Dove              Ca T
___Marbled Godwit                 R T #               
___Ruddy Turnstone                Ca T #              CUCKOOS AND ALLIES
___Sanderling                     R T #               ___Yellow-billed Cuckoo           U S #
___Semipalmated Sandpiper         R T #               ___Greater Roadrunner             C P
___Western Sandpiper              U T #               ___Groove-billed Ani              Ca T
OWLS                                                  WOODPECKERS
___Common Barn-Owl                U P                 ___Lewis' Woodpecker              Ca W
___Flammulated Owl                T * #               ___Acorn Woodpecker               R T
___Western Screech Owl            U P                 ___Gila Woodpecker                C P
___Great Horned Owl               C P                 ___Yellow-bellied Sapsucker       Ca T #
___Elf Owl                        U S #               ___Red-naped Sapsucker            U W #
___Burrowing Owl                  Ca P #              ___Red-breasted Sapsucker         Ca T
___Long-eared Owl                 Ca T                ___Williamson's Sapsucker         Ca W #
___Short-eared Owl                Ca T #              ___Ladder-backed Woodpecker       C P 
                                                      ___Hairy Woodpecker               Ca T
GOATSUCKERS                                           ___Strickland's Woodpecker        Ca T
___Lesser Nighthawk               C S #               ___Northern Flicker               C P
___Common Nighthawk               U S #               ___Gilded Flicker                 U P
___Common Poorwill                C S #               
___Whip-poor-will                 Ca T #              FLYCATCHERS AND ALLIES
                                                      ___Northern Beardleess-Tyrannulet U S #
SWIFTS                                                ___Olive-sided Flycatcher         R T #
___Black Swift                    T * #               ___Greater Pewee                  Ca T #
___Chimney Swift                  T * #               ___Western Wood-Pewee             C S #
___Vaux's Swift                   U T #               ___Willow Flycatcher              R T #
___White-throated Swift           U P #               ___Least Flycatcher               Ca T #
                                                      ___Hammond's Flycatcher           U W #
HUMMINGBIRDS                                          ___Dusky Flycatcher               U W #
___Broad-billed Hummingbird       R T #               ___Gray Flycatcher                U W #
___Violet-crowned Hummingbird     R T #               ___Pacific-Slope Flycatcher       U T #
___Blue-throated Hummingbird      Ca T #              ___Buff-breasted Flycatcher       T * #
___Magnificent Hummingbird        Ca T #              ___Black Phoebe                   C P
___Plain-capped Starthroat        T *                 ___Eastern Phoebe                 R W #
___Lucifer Hummingbird            Ca T #              ___Say's Phoebe                   C P #
___Black-chinned Hummingbird      C S #               ___Vermillion Flycatcher         C S R W #
___Anna's Hummingbird             U P                 ___Dusky-capped Flycatcher        R S # 
___Costa's Hummingbird            R S #               ___Ash-throated Flycatcher        C S #
___Calliope Hummingbird           R T #               ___Brown-crested Flycatcher       C S #
___Broad-tailed Hummingbird       U T #               ___Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher     T * #
___Rufous Hummingbird             U T #               ___Tropical Kingbird              R S #
___Allen's Hummingbird            Ca T #              ___Cassin's Kingbird              C S #
                                                      ___Thick-billed Kingbird          R T #
TROGONS AND KINGFISHERS                               ___Western Kingbird               C S #
___Elegant Trogon                 T * #               ___Eastern Kingbird               Ca T #
___Belted Kingfisher              U W #               ___Scissor-tailed Flycatcher      Ca T # 
___Green Kingfisher               U P                 ___Rose-throated Becard           T * #
LARKS AND SWALLOWS                                    ___Black-tailed Gnatcatcher       U P
___Horned Lark                    U P #               ___Eastern Bluebird               I W
___Purple Martin                  R T #               ___Western Bluebird               I W #
___Tree Swallow                   C T #               ___Mountain Bluebird              I W #
___Violet-green Swallow           C T #               ___Townsend's Solitaire           Ca W #
___Northern Rough-winged Swallow  C S #               ___Veery                          T * #
___Bank Swallow                   U T #               ___Swainson's Thrush              R W #
___Cliff Swallow                  C S #               ___Hermit Thrush                  U W #
___Barn Swallow                   C S #               ___Rufous-backed Robin            Ca W
                                                      ___American Robin                 R W
JAYS, CROWS AND RAVENS                                ___Varied Thrush                  Ca T
___Steller's Jay                  I W                 
___Blue Jay                       T *                 MOCKINGBIRDS AND THRASHERS
___Scrub Jay                      I W                 ___Gray Catbird                   Ca T #
___Mexican Jay                    Ca T                ___Northern Mockingbird           C P
___Pinyon Jay                     I W                 ___Sage Thrasher                  R W #
___Clark's Nutcracker             I W                 ___Brown Thrasher                 Ca T #
___American Crow                  I W                 ___Bendire's Thrasher             R P #
___Chihuahan Raven                C P                 ___Curve-billed Thrasher          C P
___Common Raven                   C P                 ___Crissal Thrasher               C P
___Bridled Titmouse               U W                 ___American Pipit                 U W #
___Verdin                         C P                 ___Sprague's Pipit                Ca W #
___Bushtit                        C P                 ___Bohemian Waxwing               T *
___Red-breasted Nuthatch          Ca T                ___Cedar Waxwing                  U T #
___White-breasted Nuthatch        C P                 
___Pygmy Nuthatch                 T *                 SILKY FLYCATCHERS AND SHRIKES
___Brown Creeper                  U W #               ___Phainopepla                    U P 
___Cactus Wren                    C P                 ___Northern Shrike                T *
___Rock Wren                      U P                 ___Loggerhead Shrike              C P #
___Canyon Wren                    U P                 ___European Starling              C P
___Bewick's Wren                  C P                 
___House Wren                     U W #               VIREOS
___Winter Wren                    R W                 ___White-eyed Vireo               T * #
___Marsh Wren                     U W #               ___Bell's Vireo                   C S # 
                                                      ___Gray Vireo                     U T #
GNATCATCHERS, KINGLETS AND THRUSHES                   ___Solitary Vireo                 C T # 
___Golden-crowned Kinglet         Ca W                ___"Plumbeous" Vireo              C T #
___Ruby-crowned Kinglet           C W #               ___Yellow-throated Vireo          T * #
___Blue-gray Gnatcatcher          U T #               ___Hutton's Vireo                 U T #
___Warbling Vireo                 C T #               ___Yellow-breasted Chat           C S #  
___Philadelphia Vireo             T * #               
___Yellow-green Vireo             T *                 TANAGERS
                                                      ___Hepatic Tanager                Ca T #
WOOD WARBLERS                                         ___Summer Tanager                 C S #
___Golden-winged Warbler          T * #               ___Scarlet Tanager                T * #
___Tennessee Warbler              Ca T #              ___Western Tanager                C T # 
___Orange-crowned Warbler         C T #               
___Nashville Warbler              U T #               GROSBEAKS AND ALLIES
___Virginia's Warbler             R T #               ___Northern Cardinal              U P
___Lucy's Warbler                 C S #               ___Pyrrhuloxia                    C P
___Northern Parula                Ca T #              ___Yellow Grosbeak                T *
___Yellow Warbler                 C S #               ___Rose-breasted Grosbeak         Ca T # 
___Chestnut-sided Warbler         Ca T #              ___Black-headed Grosbeak          C T #
___Magnolia Warbler               T * #               ___Blue Grosbeak                  C S #
___Cape May Warbler               T * #               ___Lazuli Bunting                C T R S #
___Black-throated Blue Warbler    Ca T #              ___Indigo Bunting                 R S # 
___Yellow-rumped Warbler          U W #               ___Varied Bunting                 R S #
___Black-throated Gray Warbler    U T #               ___Painted Bunting                R T #
___Townsend's Warbler             U T #               ___Dickcissel                     Ca T #
___Hermit Warbler                 R T #               ___Green-tailed Towhee            C W #
___Black-throated Green Warbler   Ca T #              ___Spotted Towhee                 R W
___Blackburnian Warbler           T * #               ___Canyon Towhee                  C P
___Yellow-throated Warbler        T * #               ___Abert's Towhee                 C P
___Grace's Warbler                T * #               ___Botteri's Sparrow              C S #
___Pine Warbler                   T * #               ___Cassin's Sparrow               C S #
___Palm Warbler                   T * #               ___Rufous-winged Sparrow          Ca T
___Black-and-White Warbler        R T #               ___Rufous-crowned Sparrow         U P
___American Redstart              R T #               ___Chipping Sparrow               C W #
___Prothonotary Warbler           Ca T #              ___Clay-colored Sparrow           Ca T #
___Worm-eating Warbler            T * #               ___Brewer's Sparrow               C W #
___Ovenbird                       Ca T #              ___Black-chinned Sparrow          R T #  
___Northern Waterthrush           R T #               ___Vesper Sparrow                 C W #
___Kentucky Warbler               T * #               ___Lark Sparrow                   U W #
___Mourning Warbler               T * #               ___Black-throated Sparrow         C P
___MacGillivray's Warbler         U T #               ___Sage Sparrow                   R W #
___Common Yellowthroat            C S R W #           ___Lark Bunting                   U W #
___Hooded Warbler                 Ca T #              ___Savannah Sparrow               U W #
___Wilson's Warbler               C T #               ___Baird's Sparrow                R W #
___Red-faced Warbler              T * #               ___Grasshopper Sparrow            R W #
___Painted Redstart               R T #               ___Fox Sparrow                    Ca W

___Song Sparrow                   C P
___Lincoln's Sparrow              C W #
___Swamp Sparrow                  R W
___White-throated Sparrow         R W
___Golden-crowned Sparrow         Ca W
___White-crowned Sparrow          C W #
___Harris' Sparrow                Ca W 
___Dark-eyed Junco                U W 
___Yellow-eyed Junco              T * 
___McCown's Longspur              Ca T 
___Chestnut-collared Longspur     R W # 
___Bobolink                       Ca T #
___Red-winged Blackbird           C P #
___Eastern Meadowlark             C P
___Western Meadowlark             U W
___Yellow-headed Blackbird        C W #
___Rusty Blackbird                Ca T # 
___Brewer's Blackbird             C W #
___Great-tailed Grackle           C P
___Common Grackle                 T *
___Bronzed Cowbird                R P #
___Brown-headed Cowbird           C P #
___Orchard Oriole                 Ca T #
___Hooded Oriole                  U S #
___Baltimore Oriole               T * #
___Bullock's Oriole               C S #
___Scott's Oriole                 U S #
___Purple Finch                   Ca W
___Cassin's Finch                 Ca W #
___House Finch                    C P
___Red Crossbill                  Ca T
___Pine Siskin                    U W #
___Lesser Goldfinch               C P
___Lawrence's Goldfinch           I W
___American Goldfinch             R W
___House Sparrow                  C P