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Salt River Peregrine Cliffs with Kathe Anderson

  • Maricopa Audubon Society P.O. Box 65401 Phoenix, AZ 85082-5401 (map)

Monday, April 4 - Salt River “Peregrine Cliffs.” with Kathe Anderson

Photo by Jim Burns: Peregrine Falcon

Otherwise known as the Goldfield Recreation Site on the Salt River, the “Peregrine Cliffs” are perhaps a mile from the parking area, through mesquite, sand and cottonwoods. Over the past few years, Peregrine Falcons have nested on the cliffs, while snacks (Cliff Swallows) rather remarkably swirl below involved in their own nesting activities. On the way, we can see some water birds, common desert species such as Abert’s Towhees and House Finches, and in early April, any number of early warblers, vireos, flycatchers and perhaps some tanagers and grosbeaks if we are lucky.

Time: Start on site about 6:15am and finish up about 3 hours later. 

Difficulty 2.

Meeting place and carpooling logistics will be determined a few days before the trip.

Limited to 7 vaccinated participants.

Registration required.

Leader: Kathe Anderson at  

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