New River Nature Reserve with Robert Carter — Maricopa Audubon Society
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New River Nature Reserve with Robert Carter

  • Metro Park and Ride 9999 North Metro Parkway East Phoenix, AZ, 85051 United States (map)

Nestled up against I-17 lies this hidden gem - a confluence of riparian, mesquite bosque, and open Sonoran Desert. New River is always full of surprises – especially early in migration. We’ll walk north flanked by the aboveground portion of New River on our left with desert scrub and saguaro covered hillsides to our right, offering opportunities to observe a number of species in a limited area. In the mesquite bosque we'll look for warblers and gnatcatchers. Bring snacks, water, sun protection, and sturdy walking (preferably hiking) shoes.

Limit: 10

Difficulty 2.5 (walking on uneven, at times rocky terrain)

Accessibility: public restrooms at Metrocenter

Leader: Robert Carter

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