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Granite Reef Recreation Area Pod Trip

Welcome to a new concept: Maricopa Audubon is starting a pilot program called “MAS Pod Birdwalks” to offer birding in small groups in this difficult Covid-19 period. Our goal is to enjoy birding in small groups while remaining as safe as possible. As we offer these, we request that if you need to cancel your reservation, please contact the trip leader so someone on the wait list can take your spot.

Who: Open only to members of Maricopa Audubon Society (MAS). You may join MAS anytime before the trip here

Leader: Richard Kaiser

Where: Tonto National Forest-Granite Reef Recreation Area, 5570-5572 N Power Rd, Fort McDowell, AZ 85264 about 3.5 miles north and east from the Red Mountain-Power Road exit. Meet in the parking lot near the restrooms. This is a great place to spot wintering ducks, waders, swallows, and flycatchers. Along the Salt River, Great Blue Heron, Lesser Scaup, Neotropic Cormorant and Bald Eagle can be seen. The short (roughly .25 mile) trail through the mesquite bosque provides an opportunity for seeing and hearing resident woodpeckers, and towhees. Roadrunners and orioles are a possibility. Glassing along the river will yield waterfowl and shoreline birds!

Why: To enjoy birding and friends while safely maintaining CDC and the State of Arizona guidelines. 

How: Preregistration is required. Limit: five plus leader. Reservations accepted on a first-come basis. To register,  email

When you register, please include your phone number where you can be reached in case the field trip needs to be cancelled or for any post-trip messages such as contact tracing.

On the day of the field trip, preregistered participants must:

a)    sign the liability waiver

b)     provide a current email address

c)    carpool only with members of your own household

d)   provide and wear a mask

e)   maintain social distancing of 6 feet from others when possible

Bring your binoculars, a snack, water, hat, and personal hand sanitizer.

We will ask for feedback after the event to improve future bird walks to best meet your needs. 

Earlier Event: March 22
Lower Salt River birding